Open Arms Community Church officially opened in April 2009. This church replaced one that had not been reaching many people with the “Good News” about Jesus. Everything about the church was transformed; including the look of the church and the manner in which we worshipped. 

We followed Christ’s leading to provide a “casual place for a serious faith in Christ Jesus”. We wanted to build a church where anyone could “come as you are” – from how one dresses to where one is on their spiritual journey. We also desired to have a church where “hope is offered” for all persons.

Jonathan Hunt


Pastor Jonathan Hunt was born and raised in Buffalo. After graduating from Bennett High School, he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree at Roberts Wesleyan University and then a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary. In July 1982, following a couple years of teaching New Testament Greek at Asbury, he became the pastor of the church that would become Open Arms Community Church. Jon became a follower of Jesus as a child and then rededicated his life to Christ as a teenager. It was after this new experience of God's forgiving love that he heard The Lord calling him to become a pastor. Pastor Jon loves to talk with others about Jesus' great love for everyone!


Open Arms is a "come as you are" church. You are welcome to wear whatever you want. We do not have a "church dress code." (Our pastor usually wears jeans.)

You are welcome to join us no matter where you are in your spiritual journey. You are not required to believe everything we believe in order to worship with us.

You're invited to share a cup of coffee or a bottle of water and bring it with you into the Worship Center.

You are not expected to give money. If you decide that you want to make Open Arms your church home, then you may give financially to support God's work through the church.

Our aim is to provide a casual atmosphere where all persons may seriously consider following Jesus. From our opening video to the final song, we believe that you will have multiple opportunities to encounter the God who really does love you.


The journey begins

where you are!

Our mission is that we are called by God to provide "A Casual Place for a Serious Faith" in Christ Jesus.

We picture all persons - family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and fellow students - having their lives continuously transformed by the power of God as we obediently follow Christ Jesus.

Open Arms Community Church exists to follow Jesus' Great Commandment to love God

and other persons

(Matthew 22:34-40)

and to fulfill Jesus' Great Commission to make Christ-followers of all persons

(Matthew 28:16-20).


  • God's love is essential to all we are and do
  • Lost people matter to God and therefore should matter to us.
  • A "come as you are" environment encourages persons to investigate the claims of Christ
  • Prayer is absolutely essential to effective ministry
  • The Bible, as God's Word, is to guide us in all matters of faith and life
  • We must communicate the truth of Christ in ways everyone can understand
  • The worship of God is an ongoing experience done to the best of our abilities
  • Healthy relationships and life transformation occurs best in small group settings
  • God's Holy Spirit can truly help persons live in ways that are pleasing to our Lord
  • Every follower of Jesus should be involved in service to others as a demonstration of love for God and others


Our pastor offers relevant teaching from God's Bible in an easy to understand way.

Our music team leads us in several worship songs and you are free to join in at whatever level is comfortable for you.

You are able to decide if you want your children to worship with you or take advantage of our Kids Klub worship. There is also a quiet room available for you and your child if you want to take advantage of it.


Open Arms Community Church is a Free Methodist Congregation, which is a part of the Genesis Conference in WNY.

Free Methodist Church USA

Genesis Conference FMC


We are located at 4143 Beach Ridge Road, North Tonawanda, NY. There is plenty of parking behind the church as well as designated handicapped and motorcycle parking.

Worship Every Sunday @ 10:00am

Every Sunday - 10:00am In Person and Online

Quiet Room

If during the service your child needs some time to get the wiggles out, please feel free to make use of our Quiet Room. You will still be able to enjoy worship while tending to your child.

Copyright 2023 Open Arms Community Church. All Rights Reserved.